About Me

  • Full Name:Thomas Peyrat Almazan
  • Phone:+33 768118182
  • Email:thomas.peyrat@ensae.fr
  • Office:4113
  • Address:TSA 26644, 5 avenue Henry Le Chatelier, 91764 Palaiseau cedex,France.

Hello There!

I grew up in Mexico and had the chance to discover many different countries, many varied people, and many cultures. Since I was in high school I've been interested in Economics, Social Sciences and Mathematics. For me, Actuarial and Financial Sciences is where those three subjects overlap. Thus, I would like to deepen my mathematical skills to better serve the profession.

Today I'm doing an industrial thesis in applied mathematics at the Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST), the Institut de Mathématique de Toulouse (IMT) and Exiom Partners.

My supervisors

Caroline Hillairet (CREST) and Anthony Réveillac (IMT)

PhD Projects

Cramer-Lundberg and Hawkes (M1 internship)

Numerical estimation of the net profit condition and the ruin probability of a Cramér-Lundberg model where the counting process is a Hawkes process.

Multidimentional Marked Hawkes Risk Process : cumulants

Calculation of the first three cumulants af a risk processes where the losses (marks) have an impact on the intensisty of the counting process.

Multidimentional Marked Hawkes Risk Process : Stop Loss

Application to a Stop Loss contract, calculation of moments and correlations.

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • PhD Candidate

    Exiom Partners - 2023 - Today

    I'm working on several issues around emerging risks in insurance. This involves modeling cyber risk, but also climatic risks such as wildfires.

  • Iternal Risk Model

    CEGC - 2023 - 2024

    Modeling of default probability for retail loan guarantees, recovery rates and consolidation of validation tests.

  • Master Thesis Internship

    Milliman - Apr 2022 - Oct 2022

    Cyber risk : a network-based epidemiological model for the accumulation risk of silent cyber in insurance companies.

  • Education

  • PhD Degree

    Institut Polytechnique de Paris - 2023 - 2026

    Creation of risk models using endogenous correlation processes (Hawkes like) with external selection factors. Under the supervision of Caroline Hillairet (CREST), Anthony Réveillac (IMT) and Nordine Choukar (Exiom Partners).

  • Master Degree

    Paris Sciences et Lettres / Paris Daphine - 2021 - 2022

    Double degree in Actuarial Science at Université Paris Dauphine.

  • Engineering Degree

    Insitut National des Sciences Appliquées- 2017 - 2022

    Formation Initiale aux Métiers d'Ingénieur (FIMI) at Lyon and specialization in applied mathematics at Toulouse.

  • High School

    Lycée Français de Mexico - 2001 - 2017

    Scientific bachelor's degree in mathematics and engineering science.